Economical Evaluation of Soil

An operative theory of rights, property and property rights is accessible with the intent of informing economic analysis and public debate about natural resource and environmental problems. Soil erosion by water is a major environmental problem in the developing countries in particular. It has economic, social and environmental implication due to both on-site and off-site effects. The objective of this study is to assess the effects of soil erosion by water on-site and off-site on agriculture productivity at farm level using a combination between environmental and economic approaches and applied in a watershed. The approach proposed in this study is helpful for the decision makers to plan suitable strategies and measures to preserve water and soil resources. Indeed, the environmental method is useful to recognize vulnerable areas with mapping soil erosion risk. In addition, the economic value of soil erosion can be used by the verdict maker to prioritize areas of soil conservation. Economic evaluation of public and private stashes in the conservation and development of land is the process by which all costs and all benefits.

  • Evaluation of soil moisture sensor under intelligent irrigation
  • Methods of economic evaluation of soil
  • Prevention of soil erosion
  • Evaluation of soil aquifer treatment using primary effluent
  • Rapid and economical evaluation of concrete tunnel linings with impulse response

Related Conference of Economical Evaluation of Soil

December 01-02, 2025

15th International Conference on Oil and Gas

Rome, Italy

Economical Evaluation of Soil Conference Speakers