Structural Geology

Structural geology is the study of the three-dimensional distribution of rock units with reference to their deformational histories. the aim of structural geology is to use measurements of present-day rock geometries to uncover information about the history of deformation (strain) within the rocks, and ultimately, to know the strain field that resulted in the observed strain and geometries. The study of geologic structures has been of prime importance in geology, both economic geology, and economic geology. Folded and faulted rock strata commonly form traps that accumulate and concentrate fluids like petroleum and gas. 

Structural geology may be a critical part of engineering geology, which cares about the physical and mechanical properties of natural rocks. Structural geology works to find the damage present in the rocks like folds, foliations, and joints are internal weaknesses of rocks which can affect the steadiness of human-engineered structures like dams, road cuts, open-pit mines, and underground mines or road tunnels. Geotechnical risk, including earthquake risk, can only be investigated by inspecting a mixture of structural geology and geomorphology.

Structural geologists prefer the methods to find the history of rocks like the measure of rock geometries, reconstruct their deformational histories, and estimate the strain field that resulted therein deformation.

  • The orientation of geological features
  • Application of structural geology
  • Geological features of crustal rocks
  • Tectonic forces and rock behavior

Related Conference of Structural Geology

December 01-02, 2025

15th International Conference on Oil and Gas

Rome, Italy

Structural Geology Conference Speakers