Zhaoliang Song
Tianjin University, China
Zhaoliang Song is a Professor of Institute of the Surface-Earth System Science, Tianjin University, China. He has completed his PhD from Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include carbon sequestration from enhanced mineral weathering, coupled biogeochemical cycles of carbon and silicon, phytolith carbon sequestration, phytolith geochemistry, phytolith and geochemical record of climate change. As a first and/or corresponding author, he has published 27 papers in SCI journals (Average IF=3.6) including 9 papers published in international top SCI journals such as Global Change Biology (IF=8.444) and Earth-Science Reviews (IF=6.991) and has been selected as experts to review papers for many SCI journals such as Plant and Soil, Scientific Reports, Functional Ecology, Science of the Total Environment, European Journal of Soil Science.
Abstract : Mechanisms and potential of terrestrial phytolith carbon sequestration: A case study of China