Yasemin Korkusuz Öztürk
Bogazici University, Turkey
Yasemin Korkusuz Öztürk is a Geophysicist with a background of physics. She has been recently involved in TRIDEC, CTBTO, MARSITE, ASTARTE FP7 European Union and MarDIM (Satreps), Turk-Japan projects. She has expertise on "3D and 2D Dynamic earthquake rupture simulations based on BIEMs and FDMs" and "analysis of seismotectonics of the Marmara Region, via sensitive individual and relative earthquake locations, focal mechanism solutions and stress tensor analyses". She also has experience on kinematic earthquake rupture modeling. She currently works for the achievement of 3D dynamic earthquake rupture simulations in the Marmara Sea concerning non-planar and heterogeneous fault structures through the MarDIM project. She also works as a researcher in the department of Geophysics and basic disaster awareness educator (as a volunteer) in the Basic Disaster Awareness Unit, in Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute, BoÄŸaziçi University.
Abstract : States of local stresses and relative locations of small earthquakes in the Sea of Marmara