Fares Howari
Zayed University
Fares Howari serves as a Professor of Environmental Sciences at Zayed University. He served as Professor and Chair of the Department of Applied Sciences and Mathematics at Abu Dhabi University as well as a Director of Abu Dhabi University Center of Excellence of Environment, Health and Safety (CoEHS). He is a water resources and environmental scientist with research development and administration expertise. He served as a Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering; and Coordinator of Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Texas, PB. He also joined the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy (CIEEP) as program coordinator, and as an Environmental Scientist at the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas at Austin. Before joining the University of Texas at Austin, Prof Howari worked as an Associate Professor at United Arab Emirates University (UAEU). At UAEU, he served in the Executive Committee for the Water Resources Graduate Program, supervisor for the Environment Society, joined dozens of committees, taught several courses, successfully obtained several grants, and conducted numerous consultations. Prior to this Dr. Howari worked for about two years at Texas A and M University where he worked as a research scientist on the development and application of computer models to assess environmental contamination problems in marine and terrestrial environments. He conduct dozens of risk assessments investigations necessary for impact assessments and baseline assessments for scoping and EIA reports. During the progressive of his professional career, he developed distinguished academic, and project coordination skills. Dr. Howari has valuable experience in management, strategic planning and administration, and also in creative leadership.
Research Interest
Water and Soil Management, EIA and Environmental Quality, Fate and Transport of Contaminants, Natural Resources Assessment and Development, Remote sensing, Heavy Metals, Uranium Geology, Salinity, Geochemistry, Hydrology