Sanae Berred
Mohammed V University, Morocco
Title: The geological heritage of geopark Jbel Bani Tata-Draa (Morocco): Identification, valuation and vulnerability assessment with a conceptual approach to protection
Biography: Sanae Berred
The Anti-Atlas of Morocco recorded the tectonomagmatic signatures induced respectively by Eburnean, Panafrican and Hercynian orogenies, forming him a NE-SW oriented chain, whose roots are attached to the West African Craton. It extends from the southern foot of the High Atlas to the North, highlighted by the major accident southeast Atlas, to the north-western parts of the Sahara desert in the south, limited by the belt of large Hamadas. It consists of grounds from age Paleoproterozoic to Quaternary. These lands have undergone succesive tectonic events, generating long mountain ranges exposed to long periods of erosion during the Secondary and Tertiary, which adds to hostile climate to make the geology of the Anti-Atlas in outcrop,easier to read and more fascinated to contemplate,compared to other geological domains of Morocco. The major tectonic events leave their traces on the surface expressions as outcrops, mainly scientific interest, which gives their qualities both educational and touristic to both scientists and general public, where does the initiation ofthe new projectof Geopark Jbel Bani Tata-Draa. This last aims to implement a policy or appropriate, for the management, recovery and preservation of geological heritage in geological, geomorphological and paleogeographicinterest, for the local and regional population on one handand to encourage future generations to get involved on the other hand more. As part of the natural heritage, geological heritage of southern Morocco can serve as a model and concept for rational exploitation visibility for socio-economic development within the territory of the Geopark Jbel Bani Tata-Draa.