Usama F. Zaineldeen
Al Azhar University, Palestine
Title: Structural style and fault kinematics of the lower eocene rus formation at Jabal Hafit area, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates (UAE)
Biography: Usama F. Zaineldeen
The current contribution presents aspects of the structural style and fault kinematics of the Rus Formation that expose at Jabal Hafit, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates. Although the major structure of Jabal Hafit is an anticlinal fold, fractures (joints and faults) are the prominent structure of the study area. The fractures can be interpreted as the distributed effect of deep-seated basement fault reactivation or to be as reactivation of deep-seated basement faults. These fractures were created during two main tectonic stress regimes. The first is a WNW–ESE SHmax strike-slip stress regime, responsible for producing E–W to ESE–WNW joints and E–W dextral strike-slip and NNE–SSW reverse faults. This stress is interpreted to be post-Early Eocene in age and related to the second phase of thrusting in the Oman Mountains in the Miocene. The second stress regime is a NNE–SSW SHmax transtensional (strike-slip extensive) stress regime that was responsible for N–S to NNE–SSW striking joints and NE–SW sinistral strike-slip and N–S normal faults. This regime is interpreted to be post-Middle Eocene in age. This stress was the response to the collision of the Arabian–Eurasian Plates which began during the Late Eocene and continues to the present day.