Kurniawan Adha
Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Malaysia
Title: Pore pressure estimation used thermophysical properties investigation and characterization in sandstone reservoir due to hydrocarbon production
Biography: Kurniawan Adha
The correct pore pressure data has important impact in oil gas activities. Besides preventing hazardous compounds, the availability of pore pressure data also contributes in reducing the operation cost. This paper presents the overview of the pore pressure behaviors which will reflect in changes of thermophysical properties since these thermophysical properties are dependent on pore pressure. This is also related to the heat flow across the earth whereas it is a function of thermal conductivity and temperature gradient in a conductive environment. The purpose of this empirical study is to carry out and investigate the relationship of pore pressure and the thermophysical properties in the subsurface for pore pressure estimation. These studies consist of laboratory experiment and data analysis for producing the model of pore pressure changes in hydrocarbon production from thermophysical sides. Different fluids saturation is used for illustrating the hydrocarbon production. This concept will form the basis for a new approach in pore pressure estimation.