Yongliao Zou
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Title: Overview of CE-4 mission scientific objectives and possible instruments
Biography: Yongliao Zou
Chang’E-4 mission, being undertaken by phase two of China Lunar Exploration Program, represents China’s first attempt to exploration farside of lunar surface. CE-4 mission includes lander, rover and a telecommunication relay, presently scheduled to launch in 2018. The scientific objectives of CE-4 mission will be implemented to investigate the characteristics and formation mechanism of lunar surface floating dust, measure remanent magnetism of the lunar surface materials and figure out the interaction between the remanent magnetism and the solar wind, detect lunar surface temperature and radiation environment and study their characteristics, distribution and change, detect and study the lunar regional geological characteristics, make the first radio-astronomy measurements from the most radio-quiet region of near-earth space. The rover will operate for at least 3 months, the lander for half year to support the goals of CE-4 mission, and the relay for no less than 3 years of extended operation. The CE-4 instruments are: Cameras, dust-analyzer, magnetometer, temperature-instrument, wide band low frequency digital radio astronomical station for lunar farside surface LF-MF-HF astronomy, infrared imaging spectrometer, penetrating radar, and flash camera. This paper describes the CE-4 objectives and measurements that support exploration of the Moon and that address the scientific objectives outlined. We also describe data accessibility by the science and exploration community