Ikhlas Alhejoj
University of Jordan, Jordan
Title: Macrofauna as indictor of water quality in the lower Jordan River catchment-eastern side
Biography: Ikhlas Alhejoj
In this study, the qualities of surface water bodies feeding the lower Jordan River from its eastern side were studied and found reflected in the types of aquatic species of macrofauna surviving in them. Water, especially, in semi-arid countries such as Jordan with unpredictable seasonal rainfall are subjected to scarcity of water due to increasing demand as a result of population growth. This represents a great problem and challenge for scientists, planners and policy-makers. Surface water resources in Jordan have been during the last few decades negatively impacted by development through the addition of urban, industrial and sewage wastes to the environment. The prevailing conditions make it imperative to protect Jordan's surface water resources in order to keep these aquatic systems in healthy and productive conditions. This must also apply to other countries with similar environmental conditions. Different aquatic fauna were studied on their types, sizes and species and were identified and correlated with the chemical and physical properties of the water they are living in. It is concluded that aquatic macrofauna can easily be used as indicators of water quality and it is a fast and trustful way of indicating changes taking place in the water quality, especially water salinity, trace elements contents and pollution parameters.