Novita Wulandari Sinaga
Padjadjaran University, Indonesia
Title: Geological mapping at Pasawahan District, Ciamis Resident, West Java Province
Biography: Novita Wulandari Sinaga
Geographically research area were in 10830’ 39.7584†EL - 10836’ 6.498†EL and 735’ 23.1576†SL - 729’ 59.3988†SL coordinate. Administratively research area was in Pasawahan District, Ciamis Resident, West Java Province. This research area was in part of Digital Earth Surface Maps (Bakosurtanal), which is Selasari Quadrangle Map (1308-223). Geomorphology unit has been divided into five (5) types, there are Structural Slightly Sloping Plain unit, Structural Sloping Hills unit, Karst Slightly Sloping Hills Unit, Structural Slightly Sloping Hills unit, and Volcanic Steep Hills unit. The Drainage patterns that has been developed in research area are dendritic, radial and subparalel. Geological units in the research area has been divided into four (4), there are from the older to the younger units: Volcanic Breccia units (Tmbv), Limestone units (Tmbg), Sandstone unit (Tmbp) and Sandstone with Carbonate substances (Tmbpk). Geological structure that developed in the research are are Fold, Joint and Fault. The folds that developed in the research area are CekdamKudungsero Syncline, Karanglegok Anticline, DesaBojong Syncline, Sukadana Anticline, Karangsari Syncline and Kaligamping Anticline. Faults with NE-SW direction is Kalimanggis Oblique slip Fault. Because the main direction of the fault is NE-SW, therefore we can conclude the age of the fault in Pliocene-Pleistocene. In early Miocene, Volcanic breccia unit are the oldest unit formed in the research area. Hereafter suppressed uncomformity by Middle Miocene Limestone unit. Next it has been deposited comformity by Sandstone with carbonated substances unit in Middle Miocene and followed by Sandstone unit deposition. Furthermore in Pliocene-Pleistocene Epoch, Anticline and Syncline formed in research area followed by Kalimanggis Fault to be formed. Geological resources in research area are Andesite and Alluvium Gravel for Building Material. The potential for disaster that may happen in research area are landslide and tsunami wave.